Dr. Bashir's expertise in Sustainability & Environmental Engineering is underscored by his recent inclusion in the esteemed STANFORD list of the world's top 2% scientists in 2023. Currently serving as Senior Lecturer at Central Queensland University's School of Engineering and Technology, he specializes in resource recovery, sustainable practices, circular economies, emerging contaminants, and advanced water and wastewater treatment technologies.
Title of Speech: Impact of Technological Innovation on Energy Efficiency in Central and Eastern European Countries
Alan Wang is a principal investigator and Associate Professor at Auckland University. He has more than ten years of research experience in bioengineering informatics and integrated medicine, especially in advancing the role of medical informatics in health care. His research interests include bioengineering, signal processing, data informatics, machine learning, and biomedical statistics and simulation. He has developed advanced data analytics methods for intelligent health and personalized diagnosis and prognosis based on signal processing and machine learning theories. He has experience analyzing huge cohorts of data with applications of early diagnosis, disease understanding, and effective treatment of patients with different disorders. He serves as an Editorial Board Member and an Active Reviewer for several international journals.
Title of Speech: Intelligent Simulation and Sensor Data Analysis
Dr. Seyed Ghaffar is a Chartered Civil Engineer (CEng, MICE), a Member of the Institute of Concrete Technology (MICT) and a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA). He is the leader of Additive Manufacturing Technology in Construction Research Group (AMTC). The focus of AMTC is on valorising construction and demolition waste using materials science and 3D printing to achieve the circular economy goals of sustainable construction. Dr. Ghaffar's research covers a number of construction materials, with a focus on the development of low-carbon technologies suitable for new and retrofitting applications by combining materials sciences and innovative technologies. He has been the PI or Co-I of ~£6M on 8 grants from EPSRC, British Council, and the EU H2020. Two projects worth noting are: "Direct Writing of Cementitious Inks to Scaffolds with Complex Microarchitectures (DiWoCIS) "and "Digital fabrication and integration of Material reuse for environmentally friendly cementitious composite building blocks (DigiMat)". Dr. Ghaffar is the Executive Editor of the Journal of Results in Engineering (Elsevier). He recently edited a book titled "Innovation in construction - A Practical Guide to Transforming the Construction Industry".
Title of Speech: Up-cycling of various waste streams into high value and high performing products: Towards sustainabledevelopment
Florian Marcel Nuţă is a Professor Dr. Habil. at Danubius University from Galaţi, with over 17 years of teaching and research experience. He is affiliated with Ştefan cel Mare University of Suceava, Doctoral School of Social and Human Sciences, for research and doctoral supervision. His scientific research is conducted in the following fields: Environmental Accounting, Climate Change Economics, Energy Economics, Urban Environmental Accounting, Carbon Accounting, Green Taxation, and Public Policy.
He is involved in numerous editorial initiatives as editor-in-chief, editor, member of the international scientific board, and reviewer for scientific journals and international conferences, conducting more than 500 peer-reviews during his academic career.
Dr. Nuţă worked as a reviewer for Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, Energy Efficiency, Resources Policy, Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, Economic Research, Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Countries, Cogent Business and Management, and other peer-reviewed scientific journals.
Title of Speech: Sustainable development options - from Pollution Havens to green development
Dr. Bashir's expertise in Sustainability & Environmental Engineering is underscored by his recent inclusion in the esteemed STANFORD list of the world's top 2% scientists in 2023. Currently serving as Senior Lecturer at Central Queensland University's School of Engineering and Technology, he specializes in resource recovery, sustainable practices, circular economies, emerging contaminants, and advanced water and wastewater treatment technologies.
With a career marked by dedicated contributions, Dr. Bashir has impacted academia and international collaboration significantly. His mentorship extends to over 15 PhD and master’s students, while his ability to secure research funding from institutions like the Ministry of Higher Education in Malaysia, the National Science Fund in the USA, and the Rotary Global Grant underscores his influence. His scholarly impact is reflected in over 250 publications in high-impact journals, boasting an h-index of 46 and over 7300 citations. Recognized with over 20 awards, including Best PhD Research Award and teaching commendations, Dr. Bashir continues to shape the field, serving as a guest editor for esteemed journals and cementing his legacy as a leader in the field of Sustainability & Environmental Engineering.
Title of Speech: Recent Developments in the Treatment of Emerging Contaminants: Obstacles and Future Prospects
Dr. Ghulam Yaseen is a Young distinguished researcher of the Botany, currently working as Assistant Professor in the Department of Botany, Division of Science & Technology, University of Education, Lahore, Pakistan. Meanwhile I am working as guest editor, member of editorial board of the various Journals, and completed various reviews of the assigned by the various journals. My research integrates methodological approaches from ethnopharmacology, natural product research, public health research, and anthropology. Our group's research is based on a transdisciplinary perspective integrating approaches from the biomedical and social sciences with an overall aim of tackling the fast-changing global health needs. My research interest includes the floristic inventory, Ethnopharmacology, phytochemistry and biological activity of medicinal and aromatic plants. Pharmacological studies include anti -malarial, anti-diabetic, antiviral, anxiolytic activity, antimicrobial and antioxidants activities etc. In addition, the lab has applied metabolomics to species authentication and active identification of bioactive compounds. I have published more than 50 research papers (Impact Factor: >160); 10 Book Chapters, organized 10 conferences/seminars/workshops; participated in >30 national and international conferences/seminars/workshops. My citations exceeded >2300 with H-index (20) and i10 index (35). More than 25 undergraduates, masters and doctoral students have graduated under my supervision since 2017. I have has worked as Assistant Professor (IPFP) in the Department of Botany, PMAS Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi-Pakistan. He has worked visiting faculty member in Department of Plant Sciences, Quaid -i- Azam University, Islamabad. He has thought various courses at BS and M.Sc. level. I also worked as Research Associate in an International project on Digitization of Flora of Pakistan with special reference to Data mobilization and Georeferencing of Plant occurrence from Pakistan funded by GBIF. He serves in various journals as active reviewer and play important role in improvement of manuscripts.
Title of Speech: Sustainable use of NTFPs Linked to Livelihood Development and their Conservation under Fast Climatic changes
Associate Professor, Dr. Sheiladevi Sukumaran is a program leader and senior lecture in SEGi University. She obtained her Bachelor of Science (Hons), Master's in Science and Doctor of Philosophy in Education Management from the University of Malaya. Her job scope currently is managing research postgraduate students. She has taught subjects like Research Method and Statistics, Biochemistry, Cell Biology, Psychology, Human Anatomy and Physiology. Her interest in research involving Biotechnology, STEM, Science and Technology. She currently involved in numerous research includes FRGS, Grant Program Pembangunan Masa Depan Malaysia, REIG Grants, Seed Grant, PSIF grants and two Segi University Internal Grants. She also has several Scopus publications, ebook, conference proceeding publication and poster presentation. One of the publications in Asia Pacific Journal Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, that won the best poster is Knowledge, Attitude and Perception towards Cancer Prevention Practice among Public in Putrajaya Cancer. She has four industrial collaborations that involve eye specialist center, natural product, health device industry and berry product distributor. She is also actively involved in National STEM Malaysia organizing many activities in school and higher education level.
Title of Speech: Climate Change and Public Health in Malaysia